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National Gypsum Miners Association

The National Gypsum Miners Association Inc. represents the interests of Australian Gypsum Miners.

The purpose of our Association is to promote the Mining, Processing, Marketing and Use of Gypsum.

Gypsum Mining is in Crisis

No new mines are being developed due to too much red tape and very high start-up costs.

Many mine operators are finding it very difficult to operate within the current complicated legislative framework.

Current mines are running out of product, and many will be closed or will reduce output within the next 3 years.

An Environmental Disaster is already happening

Farmers using gypsum are Carbon Positive.

Farmers are already finding it difficult to access gypsum supplies.

Gypsum Mining is being shut down, to the detriment of the Environment and Agricultural Production, unfortunately no-body is listening and no-one cares! More Information

NGMA Wants and Wishes

In order for our Members to continue to operate gypsum mines, there are many issues that need to be addressed, unfortunately no-body is listening and no-one cares! More Information

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